Brand Photography for Isaro Carter, the Attorney in NYC

Isaro Carter

Meet Isaro Carter who I was glad to work with for her Personal Brand Photoshoot. Isaro is the attorney for Creatives & Business Owners.  Based in New York City, her practice covers the intersection of intellectual property law & entertainment law through services focused on creative entrepreneurs — specifically trademarks, copyrights, music, and television.


Isaro helps creative businesses thrive and protect intellectual property.
We took her personal Brand Photoshoot in the photostudio in midtown Manhattan and it was a pleasure to work together.



I asked Isaro to answer some question that i think may motivate other women to start their own business.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

When I was a child, I wanted to be a singer! Although, I quickly found out that I wasn't vocally gifted.


What does success woman means to you? 

To me, a successful woman is a woman who knows what she wants out of life, goes out & makes it happen, & can appreciate/celebrate herself for getting it done.


What characteristics do you most admire in other creative businesswomen?

I admire how other creative businesswomen protect the time they need to achieve their goals. In many ways, people in community with a woman can demand her care & attention when it's most convenient to them without considering the potential negative impact on her and her ambitions. The businesswomen I admire carve out that time and have firm boundaries surrounding it.


Name of a woman or women (past or present) whom you admire or look up to. 

Beyoncé, no hesitation. When I was a child, I admired her because she was my favorite member of Destiny's Child. It was very shallow admiration, lol. 

As her career progressed, she started pulling back the curtain on what she does to be able to show up & perform at the level that she does. I, of course, was watching, and her commitment to being the best she could possibly be stuck with me. People can say what they want about her, but at well over a decade deep of being the industry standard--her work ethic & commitment to excellence cannot be denied. I aspire to be even half as great at what I do on my best day as she is on her worst!

What quotation or saying inspires and motivates you to be yourself and to do what you love? 

Right now, "visualize your highest self, then show up as her." I don't know where I got that from, but it does the trick every time!


What advice you can give to other women who start a business? 

Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself to the point where you genuinely think that your success at what you're doing is a given. If you don't believe it, then what are you even doing? (Wasting your time.)
Then find fulfillment in the work of building and running your business itself. The feeling you get when you find success in something can be fleeting, but when you're fulfilled in your work, you can count on having that feeling several times over throughout your entrepreneurial journey.
Also, find several mentors & nurture your relationships with them. Having your own personal brain trust makes all the difference.


What book can you recommend to read to other women who starts a business? 

A book that I recommend is The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. It was recommended to me by another business owner. I think about this book every single day & I plan to re-read it now that my business is growing. 

Are you ready to elevate you personal brand to a new level? Schedule a free diagnostic call with me - we'll discuss what are your upcoming needs and l how I can serve you the best.