Personal Brand & Portrait Photographer in NYC

Portrait Photography & Personal Brand Photography for Modern Day Women in New York City and Beyond


I'm Natalia, 

photographer, art director, and entrepreneur.

My current areas of study and interest include photography, art, marketing and personal transformation.


I'm an Art Director and Photographer with deep experience in marketing, online and offline sales, art events, and photo- and video production in Europe and the USA. 


I am a former head of marketing, and now I combine my knowledge and expertise in marketing with professional photography to create a visual marketing strategy for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and experts. I also work on my personal art project dedicated to the emergence of Women in the world.

ways to work with me:

See the latest Personal Brand transformations

Personal Brand Photoshoot for Alison von Rosenvinge, a writer, nature lover, and gentleness advocate.

Personal Brand Photoshoot for Aubria Ralph, banking and finance lawyer, author, and career coach.

Personal Branding photoshoot for a NYC makeup & hair artist Marta Kachmar.


See the latest Personal Photoshoots





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